- так и знайте
- • ТАК И ЗНАЙТЕ! coll[indep. clause; these forms only; fixed WO]=====⇒ (used to intensify a prediction, threat, or comment about a state of affairs) sth. is or will be precisely as I say, I assure you:- you can be sure of that <of one thing...>;- you can be sure (that...);- that's for sure;- I mean it;- you can count on that;- mark my words;- [in limited contexts] do you hear me?♦ [Валентина:] Было, не было - тебе-то что? Было бы, если бы он [Шаманов] захотел! Так и знай (Вампилов 2). [V.:] Whether it happened or not-what's it to you? You can be sure of one thing-it would have happened if he'd [Shamanov had] wanted it to (2a).♦ Радиопереклички созывались в году часто. Заело с посевной - радиоперекличка... Не выполняется план по сдаче хлеба - так и знай, будет перекличка (Абрамов 1). Radio linkups were called frequently during the year. If there was a hitch in the sowing campaign - radio linkup. ...If the Grain Requisition Plan was not being fulfilled, you could be sure there would be a radio linkup (1a).♦ "Там тебе не верили и тут веры большой давать не будут, так и знай!" (Шолохов 5). "They didn't trust you over there, and back here they won't trust you [much] either, you can count on that!" (5a).♦ ...Хотя язык у нее и чесался, рассказывать побоялась, памятуя Прохорово наставление: "Так и знай: скажешь об этом кому хоть слово - положу тебя головой на дровосеку, язык твой поганый на аршин вытяну и отрублю" (Шолохов 5). ...Although she was itching to speak, she was afraid, remembering Prokhor's warning, "Mark my words. If you so much as breathe a word to anyone about it, I'll put your head on the chopping block, pull your tongue out till it's a yard long, and cut it off" (5a).♦ "Дома весь вечер будешь сидеть - так и знай" (Распутин 2). "You're going to spend the whole evening home, do you hear me?" (2a).
Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь. — М.: ACT-ПРЕСС КНИГА. С.И. Лубенская. 2004.